Couple Divides Opinions Over Strict ‘Do Not Play’ Wedding Songs

DJ Shares a List Common Among Couples of Do-Not-Play Wedding Songs
Couple Divides Opinions Over Strict ‘Do Not Play’ Wedding Songs

When you’re hosting a house party, people feel free to play whatever kind of music they want, even if the songs aren’t crowd-pleasers. A wedding, however, is different, and the rules are stricter. A DJ recently shared a list he received from one particular couple of “do not play” songs for their wedding.

The Banned Songs in Question

A DJ from Cleveland, Matt “Rybar” Hribar, has shared the list of no-go songs from the couple, and it’s been pretty controversial. Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” was at the top of the list, along with Bruno Mars’ “Uptown Funk” and “Happy” by Pharell. The DJ wasn’t particularly surprised by any of these.

The Banned Songs in Question

However, the couple even went on to ban entire artists, including One Direction, Justin Bieber, Bruno Mars, and Queen Bey herself! It seems like they’re not really big fans of pop.

People Didn’t Respond Well

Matt himself was shocked by the Beyoncé ban. Some followers commented that the couple hated fun. Another joked that if you dare to dance at the wedding, you’ll probably get kicked out or something.

People Did Not Respond Well

Although some were left feeling uneasy about the couple’s choices of banned songs, others liked the list and agreed that it was solid enough. Matt thought it would be fun to share the must-play list for that same couple, just to give those unhappy fans something to smile about. He shared it, and as it turned out, masterpieces such as “Kiss Kiss” by Chris Brown, “Because the Night” by Cascada, and “Hung Up” by Madonna were there, so the couple didn’t completely hate good music!