According to Specialists, the Indoor Air Temperature Affects Sleep
Do you regularly find yourself in sleep purgatory? There is nothing worse than climbing into bed and getting ready for some beautiful, sweet Zs, only to turn to check the time and discover that four hours have passed and you’re wide awake. It turns out that the right indoor air temperature plays a crucial role in getting some quality sleep.
Overthinking Before Going to Sleep
“Should I call my ex? Was I rude to that salesperson five years ago? Why do cats sneeze?” These are only a few examples of what may keep you awake while trying to get some good night’s sleep. As the minutes tick and the panic grows, you can find your mind racing, and it can be a true nightmare without actually being asleep. Those days could be behind you now that a sleep expert has given their tips for a peaceful night. Max Stevens recently looked through some of the sleep hacks on TikTok to see if they are useful. One of them was making sure that your room is of a good temperature.
One Tiktoker shares that it’s quite important to keep a room between 65-68 degrees and to be in the best possible position to get some sleep. It turns out that your body needs a cool environment to fall asleep, and keeping your room cool may get you some quality sleep. Any hotter or cooler than this can affect your body’s internal temperature. It’s one of the main reasons why people can’t sleep during warmer months.
Temperature Is Important, But…
Once you get this sorted out, you need to think about how you are going to sleep, especially if it’s hot. James Leinhardt, the founder of a bed brand, recently explained that the position people lie in is a big factor we can easily control when it comes to staying cool at night. He claims that the best position is what people call “the dreamer.” It means lying in the semi-fetal position. This is basically on your side with your legs at a bit of an angle.
Optimizing your sleep posture with a supportive pillow and mattress will also help preserve the position you go to sleep in for longer.